other WILDLIFE WONDERS: CLICK on any image below and go to category selected. |
Click HERE or above for more IGUANAS: Tarjeta - Card # 5: IGUANA AZUL- BLUE IGUANA: Gran cantidad de iguanas pueden verse asolear al atardecer en la campi–a, a lo largo de las playas, o posadas en una cerca o muro donde normalmente hacen sus hogares. Para verlas gozando del atardecer ver tarjetas # 33, 39, 47, 48, 49 y 76 en esta serie. Several species of Iguanas pervade the courtry side and can often been seen basking in the sun, along the beaches, sitting on the top of fence posts (which several make their home) or soaking up the heat next to the bubbling mud pots on the slopes of the active volcanoes. Check out more Iguanas and other animals viewing the sunset on cards #33, 39, 47, 48, 49 and 76. |
Costa Rica has over 700 miles of seaside on both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, there's a beach .Click HERE or ABOVE for more BIRDS Part 1: Click HERE for more IGUANAS: Tarjeta - Card # 33: CRUCE DE IGUANAS EN PLAYA PATO - IGUANA CROSSING at DUCK BEACH: Costa Rica tiene m‡s de 1,200 kms. de linea costera. Hay una playa para todos. No olvides traer tu sombrero de paja y mucho aciete para broncearse. Se puede ver m‡s playas en tarjetas 9, 11, 13, 17, 28, 32, 40, 43, 46, 54, 55, 56, 60 y 77. Costa Rica has over 700 miles of seaside on both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, there's a beach for everyone. Don't forget to bring along a straw hat and lots of suntan lotion. More beaches can be seen on cards 9, 11, 13, 17, 28, 32, 40, 43, 46, 54, 55, 56, 60 and 77. |
Card # 39: POSADOS EN LAS CERCAS:/FENCE SITTERS: Muchas fincas usan plantas de cactus para mantener su ganado dentro de ellas y al ajeno, afuera. A las iguanas les encanta encontrar postes huecos para convertirlos en su hogar. Se les puede ver comœnmente posadas sobre su poste asole‡ndose, esperando que llegue su correos. M‡s diversi—n con iguanas ver cartas # 5, 39, 47, 49 y 76. Many finca (farms) use cactus as a fence to keep their cattle in and others out. Iguanas love to find a hollowed out fence post and make it their home. They are often seen sitting on their post, basking in the sun, waiting for the mail to be delivered. For more iguana fun cards # # 5, 39, 47, 49 and 76. |
Card # 47: IGUANAS AL ATARDECER - IGUANAS AT SUNSET: La iguana verde y una ctenosauro (ctenosaura similis) son dos de las muchas especies de iguanas encontradas en Costa Rica. Bœsquelas con mucha atenci—n ta que son maestras del camuglaje. M‡s diversi—n con iguanas en tarjetas # 5, 33, 39, 48, 49 and 76. The green iguana (Iguana iguana) and a ctenosaur (Ctenosaura similis) are two of the many species of iguanas found in Costa Rica. Look closely for them, as they are masters of camouflage. For more iguana fun see cards # 5, 33, 39, 48, 49 y 76. |
Card # 49: BA„OS CALIENTES - HOT BATHS AT TABACON: TanSolo a la vuelta de la esquina y sobre el puente de los ba–os calientes del Arenal. Algunos vecino tienen su propia forma de relajarse enesta tina caliente hecha para muchos. Vegetaci—n sorprendente y vida silvestre en tarjeta # 5, 35, 47, 48, 50, 53 and 71. Just around the corner and over the bridge from the Arenal Vocano are the hot springs and baths. Some of the locals have their own way of relaxing in this out of the way "hot tub for plenty" To see amazing vegetation and wildlife see card # 5, 35, 47, 48, 50, 53 y 71. |
Click HERE or above for BIG CATS: Card # 65: Puma - Mountain Lion: LEON DE LA MONTAÑA El le—n de montaña todoavia recorre el pa’s. Aunque avistarlo es muy raro, requiere de estar en el lugar indicado a la hora indicada.....y estar muy callado. Gracias a Yolanda Matamoros de la fundaci—n pro-zool—gicos por la asistencia fotograf’a. Mas en # 20, 34, 51, 67 y 71. Mountain lions still roam freely throught the countryside. As sightings of mountain lions, jaguars, margays are rare it's a matter of being in the right place at the right time.....and being very quiet. Thanks to the Fundacion Pro-Zoologicos for photo assistance. For more big cats see our cards # 20, 34, 51 and 71. |
Click here to go to CRFPC...HOMEPAGE. Card # 76: Dos Amigos - Two Friends: Una de las especies m‡s comunes de las 218 especies de reptiles (criaturas prehist—ricas) ... es a menudo visto tomando el sol a la orilla de una carretera o encima de un techo. Gracias a Dennis Janik de ZooAve por asistencia fotogr‡fica. Para m‡s iguanas, ver # 5, 33 y 47. One of the most prolific of the 218 species of reptiles (prehistoric creatures) ... often bask in the sun by the road side or on roof tops. Thanks to Dennis Janik of ZooAve for photo assistance. More iguanas .. see cards # 5, 33, & 47. |
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