COSTA RICA: Birdlife: (Part Two)

Parrots of every imagineable size and color abound, either indigenous or perhaps brought by pirates in days of old from remote parts of the globe. Metallic looking feathers are featured on cousins the Quetzal and Motmot. Hummingbirds of irredescent colors and fowl of every other ilk enjoy their time lavishing in the tropical paradise of Costa Rica:


Click here or above for Beaches

Card # 56: Playa Manuel Antonio:

Manuel Antonio con sus arenas blancas y sus aguas cristalinas logran papa usted un maravilloso d’a en la playa. Una lora verde mira como dos pericos disfrutan de la sombra. Parece como que revisan a los visitantes. Gracias a la fundaci—n pro-zool—gicos por la asistencia con las fotograf’as. M‡s playas y aves en tarjetas # 1, 2, 8, 11, 33, 35, 43, 46, 54, 59, 61, 73, 74, 75 77 y 78 .

White sandy beaches and crystal-clear water makes for a wonderful day at the beach. A greem macaw looks on as the two parrots below enjoy the shade. They all seem to be checking out the visitors. Thanks to the Fundacion Pro-Zoologicos for photo assistance. For more birds and beaches please see our cards #1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 11, 23, 32, 33, 35, 36, 46, 53, 54, 56, 59, 60, 61 & 67.

Click here or above for Forests/Jungles:

Card #59: MOTMOTS:

Es una de las m‡s de 850 especies de aves que habitan libremente en los bosques de Costa Rica. Aqui posan frente a las famosas cataratas del poas en elcamino al volc‡n POçS. Asistencia Fotogr‡fica gracias a Dennis Janik de ZooAve. M‡s aves en tarjetas # 1, 2, 8, 35, 36, 56, 61, 73, 74, 75 y 78.

The Motmot is one of over 850 species of birds that freely inhabit the Costa Rican forests. Here they pose in front of the famous Poas Cataracts LaPaz located on the way up to Volcan Poas. Photographic assitantance thanks to Dennis Janik of Zoo Ave. For more birds and waterfalls #1, 2, 8, 23, 35, 36, 42, 53, 56, 59 & 61.

Click here or above for Florals:

Card #61: ORQêDEAS Y TUCANES - Orchids and Toucans:

Durante el tope de la temporada de orqu’deas Costa Rica florece con m‡s de 800 especies de ellas. Gran cantidad de especies de tucanes y sus primos pueden verse volando entre las copas de los ‡rboles y ocasionalmente paran para la fotograf’a. Gracias a Jose Jaime V’quez R. En el hotel Los Inocentes Lodge por su asistencia fotogr‡fica. M‡s aves en tarjetas # 1, 2, 8, 35, 36, 56, 73, 74, 75 y 78.

During the height of orchid season, Costa Rica boasts having over 800 species of orchids. Several species of toucans and their cousins (toucans of varying sizes and colors) can be seen often flying through the tree tops and occasionally stopping for a photograph. Thanks to Jose' Jaime Viquez R. at Los Inocentes Lodge for photo assistance. For more florals and birds see our cards #1, 2, 6, 8, 13, 23, 24, 27, 35, 38, 36, 49, 53, 56 and 59.

Click here or above for Adventure:

Card #67: NAVEGANDO LOS RêOS de C R- Riding C.R.'s rivers:

Imagine si usted viajara para las tranquilas y seguras aguas rio abajo bordeano bosques tropicales. Sientese y disfrute una de la mas finas naturalezas de Costa Rica. Pericos, mot mots, monos, iguanas, cocodrilos asole‡ndose....que manera mas placentera de pasar su d’a. Gracias a Jorge Hagnauer B. de Safaris Corobici y Juan Sanchez de la finca de Cocodrilos, Jaco por sus asistencia fotogr‡fica. Mas vida silvestre ver nuestras tarjeta # 1, 2, 5,17, 20, 36, 42, 47, 48, 50, 65.

Imagine if you will, a quiet and safe ride down the river bordered by tropical forest. Sit back; if your are quiet enough you will get enjoy the vistas you could observe in some of Costa Rica's finest nature. Parrots, mot-mots, monkeys, iguanas, kingfishers, crocodiles basking in the sun.....what a pleasant way to spend part of your day. Thanks to Jorge Hagnauer B. of Safiris Corobici for photographic assistance. For more wild life see our cards # 1, 2, 5, 8, 23, 36, 53, 56, 59 & 61.

Click here for (Part One) of Birdlife:

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