COSTA RICA: FLORALS of every color: (Part 2)


Click here or above for more BUTTERFLIES:

Tarjeta - Card # 27:  BUTTERFLY WATCHING:

OBSERVANDO MARIPOSAS: Mariposas viven en los diversos bosques tropicales de Costa Rica. M‡s del 10% de las especies demariposas en el mundo entero hacen su hogar en este rico p‡is. Fotograf’a de mariposas cortes’a del Volc‡n Rinc—n de la Hotel de Monta–a. Ver m‡s mariposas tarjetas # 5, 18, 21, 28, 30, 32, 49.

Bountiful amounts of butterlies are seen throughout the diverse tropical forests of Costa Rica. Over 16% of the world's butterfly species have their home in this rich country. Butterfly photos courtesy of the Rincon de la Vieja Volcano Mountain Lodge. More butterflies on cards. # 5, 18, 21, 28, 30, 32 and 49.

Click HERE or ABOVE for more CATS IN THE WILD:

Tarjeta - Card # 34: COSTA RICA JAGUARS:

JAGUARES DE COSTA RICA: Si tienes suerte podr’as observar un jaguar en su medio silvestre en algun de los numerosos parques nacionales de Costa Rica. Fotograf’a cortesêa de Los Inocentes Lodge. M‡s aventuras de jaguares en tarjetas # 20, 50, 65 y 67.

If you're lucky you may spot a jaguar (Felis onca) out in the wilds of one of the many Costa Rican National Parks. Photo assistance courtesy of Los Inocentes Lodge. More Jaguar other cat adventure can be seen on cards # 20, 50, 65 and 67.

Click HERE or ABOVE for BIRDLIFE Part 2:

Tarjeta - Card # 35: COLIBRê: -  HUMMING BIRDS and FLORALS:

Colibries, mariposas y amapolas conviven en armon’a en los exhuberantes bosques de Costa Rica. Mantengan sus ojos y o’dos abierto, ya que siempre hay grandiosas oportunidades para fotograf’a y hermosas cantos de aves para escuchar. Ver tarjetas # 1, 2, 8, 20, 23, 33, 56, 59, 61, 67, 70, 73, 74, 75 y 78.

Hummingbirds, butterflies and hibiscus all live in harmony in the rich forests of Costa Rica. Keep your eyes and ears open , as there is always great photo opportunities and beautiful songs by the birds t o be heard. For more birds see cards # 1, 2, 8, 20, 23, 33, 56, 59, 61, 67, 70, 73, 74, 75 and 78.

Click HERE or ABOVE for more SUNSETS:


Sientese, relajese y disfrute los magnificos atardeceres cuando otro dia pasa en paraiso de Costa Rica. Mas atardeceres se pueden observar en tarjetas # 4, 7, 12, 15, 28, 30, 40, 43, 47, 48, 57 y 77.

Kick back, relax and enjoy the magnificent sunsets as another day in paradise passes into your favorite memories of Costa Rica. More sunsets can be seen on cards # 4, 7, 12, 15, 28, 30, 40, 43, 47, 57 and 77.

Click HERE or ABOVE for more IGUANAS:


Muchas fincas usan plantas de cactus para mantener su ganado dentro de ellas y al ajeno, afuera. A las iguanas les encanta encontrar postes huecos para convertirlos en su hogar. Se les puede ver comœnmente posadas sobre su poste asole‡ndose, esperando que llegue su correos. Mas diversi—n con iguanas ver cartas # 5, 39, 47, 49 y 76.

Card # 39 FENCE SITTERS: Many finca (farms) use cactus as a fence to keep their cattle in and others out. Iguanas love to find a hollowed out fence post and make it their home. They are often seen sitting on their post, basking in the sun, waiting for the mail to be delivered. For more iguana fun see cards# 5, 39, 47, 49 and 76.


Tarjeta - Card # 61: ORQUIDEAS Y TUCANES - Orchids and Toucans:

Durante el tope de la temporada de orquideas Costa Rica florece con mas de 800 especies de ellas. Gran cantidad de especies de tucanes y sus primos pueden verse volando entre las copas de los arboles y ocasionalmente paran para la fotografia. Gracias a Jose Jaime Vasquez R. En el hotel Los Inocentes Lodge por su asistencia fotografica. Mas aves en tarjetas # 1, 2, 8, 35, 36, 56, 73, 74, 75 y 78.

During the height of orchid season, Costa Rica boasts having over 800 species of orchids. Several species of toucans and their cousins (toucans of varying sizes and colors) can be seen often flying through the tree tops and occasionally stopping for a photograph. Thanks to Jose' Jaime Viquez R. at Los Inocentes Lodge for photo assistance. For more florals and birds see our cards #1, 2, 6, 8, 13, 23, 24, 27, 35, 38, 36, 49, 53, 56, 59.

CLICK above & view FOREST/JUNGLE postcards Click here go to CRFPC...HOMEPAGE.
Card # 68: Fiesta de Ranas - Frog Party:

Mas de 160 especies de ranas abundan en C.R. Muchas ranas muestran unas combinaciones de colores ex—ticas, como el Agalchnis callidryas o rana de ‡rbol (inferior, izquierda), o la rana de hoja con ojos rojos (superior, derecha), que se camufla en su ambiente. Para ver mas cartas del bosque tropical, vea # 21, 27, 49, 53 y 72.

Over 160 amphibian species are seen throughout C.R. Many frogs display beautiful color combinations like the Agalchnis callidryas tree frog (bt. right) or the red-eyed leaf frog (tp. right) who blend into their surroundings. More rain forest cards..see #21, 27, 49, 53 and 72.

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