COSTA RICA: Volcanic Wonders: (Part 1)

VOLCANOS: are virtually the universe unfolding in ever overwhelming fashions that usually bring us to slow up when we take an interest in understanding the creation of this place we call earth. We all realize, more than ever, at moments like this what Insignificant creatures we are, on this tiny planet moving through time and space at a velocity wherein evolution overwhelms our learning process and easily captivates our attention. To appreciate volcanos we must willingly stand back and gaze with a sense of keen awareness as our perimeters of enlightenment border on bewilderment. A constant source of curiosity and awe as the pendulum of time swings gently by.



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Tarjeta - Card # 12: VOLCçN ARENAL:

Talvez uno de los volcanes m‡s activos del mundo. Erupciona cubriendo de lava caliente sus laderas y enviando rocas incandecentes a cientos de metros de altura. Un venado cola blanca (odocoileius virginianus) se puede ver en los alrededores. M‡s del Arenal en tarjetas # 16, 51 y 72.

Arenal is perhaps the world's most active volcano. It spews hot lava and throws rocks hundreds of feet into the sky. A white tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) can be seen in the foreground. For more of Arenal see cards # 16, 51 and 72.


Tarjeta - Card # 16:  ARENAL DE NOCHE:  -  ARENAL at NIGHT:

Arenal es m‡s impresionante en una noche despejada cuando las explosiones de fuego y rocas incndecentes son enviadas a cientos de metros en el cielo. El eco de sus retumbos y el humo durante el d’a anticipan los eventos de la noche. A las 4:15 am el 06/23/96 su erupci—n expuls— una bolade fuego, como una candela romana que explot— en millones de pedazos que volaron en todas direcciones. Ver tarjetas # 12, 51 y 72 en esta serie.

Arenal is most impressive on a clear night as explosions of fire and red hot rocks are thrown 100's of feet into the sky. Its' eerie moaning, echos through the day blowing smoke in anticipation of the night's events. Here we see at 4:15 am on 6.23.1996, one of its eruption sent up a ball of fire, like a Roman Candle that exploded into a zillion pieces flying in every direction. See cards # 12, 51 and 72 for more Arenal Spectacularations.

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Tarjeta - Card # 20:  JAGUARES con un AMIGO  -  JAGUARS with a FRIEND:

Jaguares (felis onca) son protegidos y aœn corren libres en muchos parqwues nacionales de Costa Rica. En ocaciones alguno puede ser visto en algœn tour guiado atravez de los parques. Fotograf’a cortes’a de Los Inocentes Lodge. M‡s aventuras con jaguares y gatos bestial en tarjetas # 34, 50, 65, 67 y 71.

Jaguars (Felis onca) are protected and still run free in many of Costa Rica's National Parks, in this postcard, off the slopes of Volcan Orosi. On occasion, one may be spotted on a guided tour through the parks. Photo assistance courtesy of Los Inocentes Lodge. For more wild cats see cards # 34, 50, 65, 67 and 71.

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Tarjeta - Card # 34: COSTA RICA JAGUARS:

JAGUARES DE COSTA RICA: Si tienes suerte podr’as observar un jaguar en su medio silvestre en algun de los numerosos parques nacionales de Costa Rica. Fotograf’a cortesêa de Los Inocentes Lodge. M‡s aventuras de jaguares en tarjetas # 20, 50, 65 y 67.

If you're lucky you may spot a jaguar (Felis onca) out in the wilds of one of the many Costa Rican National Parks. Photo assistance courtesy of Los Inocentes Lodge. More Jaguar other cat adventure can be seen on cards # 20, 50, 65 and 67.

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