Provincia de Guanacaste:
Northernmost province on the Pacific side. Well recognized as being one of the greenest areas of the country. Beautiful beaches, farming and a country way of life. A province, they say , that has got it all.
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Tarjeta - Card # 14: EXPLORANDO C.R. - FRONTERA C R:
Una excelente forma de observ ar el campo es a caballo. Todavia se logran ver en algunos peque–os pueblos uno o dos caballos amarrados a la entrada del mercado local mientras sus due–os hacen las compras. Para ver mas del campo...tarjetas # 21, 39, 42 y 49.
Horseback riding is a great way to see much of Costa Rica's campo (the countryside). In smaller pueblos (towns) you'll often see a horse or two tied up in the local mercado (market place) as its owners do their shopping. For more Costa Rica countrysides, see cards # 21, 39, 42 y 49.