Below: Costa Rica's FINEST POSTCARDS "1st Edition" (Part 3) released February 1998. (5 by 7 inches) with full (HIGH CONTRAST PASTEL) color designs on the back. |
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Click HERE or ABOVE for BEACHES Part 1. Tarjeta - Card # 13: SO„ANDO CON COSTA RICA - DREAMING OF C R: Ofreciendo la abundante belleza de una extraordinaria flora, bosques encantadores, magnificas playas, aventuras marinas y deportes acuaticos tropicales para todas las edades. La diversi—n en Costa Rica en tarjetas # 23, 25, 32, 54 y 69. Costa Rica offers abundant beauty, from extraordinary flora, enchanting forests, magnificent beaches, majestic waterfalls, diving adventures, and tropical water sports for all ages. For Costa Rica fun see cards # 23, 25, 32, 54 and 69. |
Click here or above for BUTTERFLIES: Tarjeta - Card # 14: EXPLORANDO C.R. - FRONTERA C R: Una excelente forma de observ ar el ÒcampoÓ es a caballo. Todav’a se logran ver en algunos peque–os pueblos uno o dos caballos amarrados a la entrada del mercado local mientras sus due–os hacen las compras. Para ver m‡s del campo...tarjetas # 21, 39, 42 y 49. Horseback riding is a great way to see much of Costa Rica's campo (the countryside). In smaller pueblos (towns) you'll often see a horse or two tied up in the local mercado (market place) as its owners do their shopping. For more Costa Rica countrysides, see cards # 21, 39, 42 and 49. |
Click here to see more in the Caribbean Underwater World. or above for more Pacific Underwater wonders. Tarjeta - Card # 15: Isla MANUELITA Island: Localizada aproximadamente a unas 500 kilometros de la costa de la Pac’fica en direcci—n a las islas Galapagos, las islas del coco ofrecen una experencia en buceo para nunca olvidar. Siempre hay gran cantidad de actividades para experimentar e imemsas escuelas de gran variedad de vida marina que fotografiar. S—lo para el buceador avanzado! Ver tarjetas # 3, 10, 19, 22, 26, 29, 31, 37, 41, 44, 45, 52, 64 y 66. Located approx. 332 miles off the Pacific coast in the direction of Galapagos. Coco Islands is a diving experience one will never forget. There is always lots of action to enjoy watching and huge schools of many kinds of sealife, including an abundance of turtles, to photograph or video. For the advanced divers only. See cards # 3, 10, 19, 22, 26, 29, 31, 37, 41, 44, 45, 52, 64 and 66. |
Click here or above for VOLCANOS: Tarjeta - Card # 16: ARENAL DE NOCHE: - ARENAL at NIGHT: Arenal es m‡s impresionante en una noche despejada cuando las explosiones de fuego y rocas incndecentes son enviadas a cientos de metros en el cielo. El eco de sus retumbos y el humo durante el d’a anticipan los eventos de la noche. A las 4:15 am el 06/23/96 su erupci—n expuls— una bolade fuego, como una candela romana que explot— en millones de pedazos que volaron en todas direcciones. Ver tarjetas # 12, 51 y 72 en esta serie. Arenal is most impressive on a clear night as explosions of fire and red hot rocks are thrown 100's of feet into the sky. Its' eerie moaning, echos through the day blowing smoke in anticipation of the night's events. Here we see at 4:15 am on 6.23.1996, one of its eruption sent up a ball of fire, like a Roman Candle that exploded into a zillion pieces flying in every direction. See cards # 12, 51 and 72 for more Arenal Spectacularations. |
CLICK here or above for more Sunsets: Click here for more TURTLES: Tarjeta - Card # 17: ESPALDAS DE CUERO al ATARDECER - LEATHERBACKS at SUNSET: Para las tortugas espalda de cuero (dermochelys coriacea) Playa Grande se ha convertido en uno de los m‡s importantes lugares de desove y anidaci—n en el mundo. Arrivan cada a–o de Noviembre a abril a depositar sus huevos en las c‡lidas arenas. Observar esta ceremonia de vida es un momento especial para aquellos que atestiguan estos eventos. M‡s tortugas en tarjetas #15, 17, 29, 31, 41, 48, 57, 60, 66 y 67. For the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), Playa Grande has become one of the most important nesting sites in the world. They arrive every year from Nov. to Apr. to lay their eggs in the sand. Watching the ceremony of life is a special moment to those who witness these events. For more turtles see cards # 15, 17, 29, 31, 41, 48, 57, 60, 66 and 67. |
Click HERE or ABOVE for BUTTERFLIES (Part 2) Tarjeta - Card # 18: BMARIPOSAS EN EL PARAISO - BUTTERFLIES IN HEAVEN: Rica en flora, mariposas y especies de aves - disfruta de lo mejor de la madre naturaleza. Costa Rica es el hogar de m‡s de 10% de las especies de mariposas a nivel mundial. Fotograf’a de mariposas cortes’a del Volc‡n Rinc—n de la Hotel de Monta–a. M‡s acerca de mariposas...tarjetas # 5. 14, 21, 27, 28, 30, 32, 49, 57 y 60. Rich in flora, butterflies and bird species - enjoy mother nature at her best. Costa Rica is home to over 16% of the world's butterfly species. Butterfly photograph courtesy of the Rincon de la Vieja Volcano Mountain Lodge. For more butterflies see cards # 5. 14, 21, 27, 28, 30, 32, 49, 57 and 60. |