"1st Edition" (Part 9) released February 1998. (5 by 7 inches) with full (HIGH CONTRAST PASTEL) color designs on the back. |
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Click here or ABOVE for more BUTTERFLIES: Click here for more IGUANAS: Tarjeta - Card # 49: BA„OS CALIENTES - HOT BATHS AT TABACON: TanSolo a la vuelta de la esquina y sobre el puente de los banos calientes del Arenal. Algunos vecino tienen su propia forma de relajarse enesta tina caliente hecha para muchos. Vegetacion sorprendente y vida silvestre en tarjetas # 5, 35, 47, 48, 50, 53 y 71. Just around the corner and over the bridge from the Arenal Vocano are the hot springs and baths. Some of the locals have their own way of relaxing in this out of the way "hot tub for plenty" To see amazing vegetation and wildlife see cards # 5, 35, 47, 48, 50, 53 and 71. |
Click ABOVE for more JAGUARS: Click HERE for more FOREST and JUNGLES POSTCARDS: Tarjeta - Card # 50: JAGUAR IN THE MIST - JAGUARES EN LA NEBLINA: Jaguares (felinis onca) pueden encontrarse libres en muchas areas protegidas de los parques nacionales. Observar alguno es algoraro y a la vez un momento sin tiempo. Mas de ellos en tarjetas # 20, 34, 65, 67 y 71. Jaguars (Felis onca) can still be found roaming freely in the many of the protected Costa Rican National parks. A sighting, in the wild, is rare and is a special timeless moment. For more jaguars see cards # 20, 34, 65, 67 and 71. |
Click here or above for VOLCANOS: Tarjeta - Card # 51: VOLCAN ARENAL - ARENAL as EVENING APPROACHES: Uno
de los volcanes m‡s activos en el mondo es
el Arenal, que regularmente ilumina la noche con expulsionses de lava
candente. Un viaje a Costa Rica no esta completo hasta que usted visite
el famoso Arenal. M‡s de Arenal ver tarjetas # 12, 16 y 72. One of the most popular hyperactive volcanos in the world is Arenal which regularly lights up the night with hot glowing bursts of lava. A trip to Costa Rica is not complete till you've visited the famous Arenal. For more on Arenal see cards # 12, 16 and 72. |
Click HERE or above for more COCO ISLANDS: Tarjeta
- Card
# 52:
DEL COCO - Inmensas escuelas de colas amarillas, cientos de tiburones con topes blancos, muchs’m‡s Manta Rayas y tiburones martillo son tansolo una parte de todo lo que uno espera ver en un parque nacional protegido como las islas del coco. Buceo de clase mundial. M‡s aventura en tarjetas # 10, 15, y 65. YELLOW FINS and BLUE FIN TUNA: Huge schools of yellow tails, hundreds of white tip sharks, many marble rays perched on rocky sheleves, mantas and hammerheads are all what one would expect from a National protected park like Isla Del Cocos. World class diving! For more diving adventure see cards # 10, 15, 19 and 66. |
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Tarjeta - Card # 53: AMIGOS DEL BOSQUE - FRIENDS of the FOREST: Los
Ambientes de Costa Rica van del bosque lluvioso de lastierras bajas
al bosque nublado lluvioso y a bosques
pantanosos, haciendo del pais un vasto tesoro biologico. Una gran variedad
de paseos de un d’a estan a su disposicion por medio de las companias de
turismo local en sus traves’as por estos bosques especiales. Estar‡s propenso
acuriousidades que atesorer‡s por siempre. Mas pajaros, vegetatian incre’ble
en tarjeta #1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 11, 23, 32, 33, 35, 36, 46, 49, 54, 56, 59, 60,
61 & 67, 68 y 72. Costa Rica's various natural environments range from lowland rain forests to cloud forests to swamplands: making the country a vast biological treasure. A large variety of day trips are available through the local tour companies on your travels, throughout the these special forests. You are likely to come across curiousities that will hold your attention in a memorable way. For incredible birds, vegetation and florals see our cards #1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 11, 23, 32, 33, 35, 36, 46, 54, 56, 59, 60, 61 & 67. |
Click here or above for more HUMOROUS POSTCARDS: Tarjeta
- Card # 54:
AQUI - Disfrute de las costas delineadas de palmeras en Costa Rica. Todos son bienvenidos aqui. Sin embargo asegœrese de traer su sombrero de paja, sin importar su color ya que de verdad se pone caliente. Mas divers’on en tarjetas # 9, 23, 33, 55 y 69. From the palm-lined beaches to the luch little coves, enjoy the many beaches (playas) of Costa Rica. Everyone is welcome here, but make sure to bring along your straw hat, whatever it's color is, as the sun gets really hot! For more fun see cards # 9, 23, 33, 55 and 69. |