Below: Costa Rica's FINEST POSTCARDS "1st Edition" (Part 4) released February 1998. (5 by 7 inches) with full (HIGH CONTRAST PASTEL) color designs on the back. |
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Click HERE or ABOVE for diving the CARIBBEAN: Tarjeta - Card # 19: En CASA con los TIBURONES - At HOME with the SHARKS: Esta tarjeta es un ejemplo de ir al extremo de la tierra para obtener una experiencia fotografica que muy pocas personas tendr‡n. Para m‡s aventura con tiburones ver tarjetas 3, 10, 15 y 66. Going to the ends of the earth to get the elusive photographic and video experience that few people ever encounter. For more shark adventure see cards # 3, 10, 15 and 66. |
Click HERE or ABOVE for more postcards featuring BIRDLIFE: Tarjeta - Card # 20: JAGUARES con un AMIGO - JAGUARS with a FRIEND: Jaguares (felis onca) son protegidos y aœn corren libres en muchos parqwues nacionales de Costa Rica. En ocaciones alguno puede ser visto en algœn tour guiado atravez de los parques. Fotograf’a cortes’a de Los Inocentes Lodge. M‡s aventuras con jaguares y gatos bestial en tarjetas # 34, 50, 65, 67 y 71. Jaguars (Felis onca) are protected and still run free in many of Costa Rica's National Parks, in this postcard, off the slopes of Volcan Orosi. On occasion, one may be spotted on a guided tour through the parks. Photo assistance courtesy of Los Inocentes Lodge. For more wild cats see cards # 34, 50, 65, 67 and 71. |
Click HERE or ABOVE for more FLORALS: Tarjeta - Card # 21: BROMILIADS y MARIPOSAS - BUTTERFLIES: Con gran abundancia y variedad de especies alrededor del pa’s, las mariposas morpho aqu’ mostradas fueron fotografiadas y cortes’a de el Volc‡n Rinc—n de la hotel de monta–a. Ver tarjetas # 5. 14, 18, 27, 28, 30, 32, 49, 57 y 60. Bromiliads are very abundant with many species thoughout the countryside. The morpho butterflies shown here were photographed courtesty of the Rincon de la Vieja Volcano Mountain Lodge. See cards # 5. 14, 18, 27, 28, 30, 32, 49, 57 and 60. |
Click HERE or above for more DIVING the PACIFIC: Tarjeta - Card # 22: ANGELES REINA - QUEEN ANGELFISH: Con los ocŽanos Atl‡ntico y Pac’fico Costa Rica provee una experiencia diversificada tanto al buceador novato como al experimentado. Dos peces angel reina nadan graciosamente uno al lado del otro. Para pez Angel FrancŽs ver tarjeta # 26, 29, y 45. With both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, Costa Rica provides diverse diving experiences for the novice and the advanced diver. Two Queen Angelfish gracefully swim side by side. See French Angelfish and pretty butterfly fish on cards # 26, 29, and 45. |
Click HERE or above for more postcards that are HUMOROUS: Tarjeta - Card # 23: CRUCE DE VACAS DE COSTA RICA - COWSTA RICA CATTLE CROSSING: Is muy comœn observar letreros de cruce de ganado que atraviesa casualmente y sin preocupaci—n las carreteras aqu’ portan un sombrero extra. Para m‡s humor en tarjetas ver # 9, 25, 33, 54, 55, 61 y 69. It is very common to see cattle crossing signs as the herds of varying sizes casually pass by without a care in the world. Even the cattle here run on Cowsta Rican time as they carry along a spare sun hat or two. Notice the toucan just watching it all and this is the only card where we have a little fun with the name of the country. For more FUN cards# 9, 25, 33, 54, 55, 61 and 69. |
Una peque–a y curiosa alma vive detr‡s de estos ojos. La foto de este mono (Alquatta Palliata) gracias a la asistencia y colaboraci—n de ZooAve Parque de conservacion de la vida salvaje e Alajuela. M‡s monos pueden verse en tarjetas # 1, 2, 36, 42, 55, 61, 69, y 70. An inquisitive little soul lives behind these eyes. This howler monkey's (Alouatta palliata) photograph was taken through the courtesy of the Zoo Ave Wildlife Conservation Park in Alajuela. More monkeys can be seen on cards # 1, 2, 36, 42, 55, 61, 69, and 70. |
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