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Costa Rica's FINEST POSTCARDS "2nd Edition" (Part 2) |
2nd edition released February 1998. (5 by 7 inches) with full (HIGH CONTRAST PASTEL) color designs on the back. It is easy to browse through each of the various sequential or consecutive links. |
You are invited to scroll down and view the postcards below
of Costa
Rica's Finest Postcards
2nd Edition, (Part
Two) |
Click HERE or above for VOLCANOS: Tarjeta - Card # 62: VOLCçN POçS - PARQUE NACIONAL, Alcanzando una altura espectacular de 2,708 metros de altura. El cr‡ter mide 1.5 kilometros en di‡metro y 300 metros de profundidad. Accesible por carretera y con una bien desarrollada ‡rea de parque, hace que reciba la mayor cantidad de visitantes en Costa Rica. M‡s volc‡nes en # 12, 16, 51, 63 y 72. Poas is a spectacular basaltic volcano that soars 2,708 meters high. The crater measures measures 1.5 kilometers in diameter and 300 meters deep. Accessible by road, with a well developed park area, it receives the highest number of visitors in Costa Rica. For more volcanos see our cards #12, 16, 51 and 72. |
Click HERE or above for VOLCANOS: Click here for IGUANAS: Tarjeta - Card # 63: VOLCçN IRAZò -- VOLCAN IRAZU-NATIONAL PARK: Su primera erupci—n fue en 1723 y la m‡s reciente en 1965. El cr‡ter principal mide 1 kilometro de di‡metro y su profundidad de 250 a 300 metros. Lo mejor ser‡ visitar el volc‡n temprano en la ma–ana ya que se nubla en la tarde. M‡s volc‡nes en # 12, 16, 51, 62 y 72. The first account of an eruption dates back to 1723 with the most recent activity in 1965. The main crater measures 1 kilometer in diameter and is 250-300 meters deep. It is best to visit Volcan Irazu early in the morning, as it tends to cloud up in the afternoon. For more volcanos see our cards #12, 16, 51, and 62. |
Click here OR ABOVE for DIVING the CARIBBEAN: Tarjeta - Card # 64: HERMOSO DêA BUCEANDO - BEAUTIFUL DAY DIVING: Imagine la diversi—n cuando se le acerquen estas curiosas criaturas. Bucear la costa Caribe–a es toda una experiencia y que usted mismo vea un mar lleno de diferentes tipos de coral, hermosos peces, tiburones barracuda y mucho m‡s. Vea nuestras tarjetas # 19, 22, 26, 29, 44, 45 y 58. Imagine the fun yu'll have when yu come across these curious souls. Dive the Caribbean coast and see for yourself a crystal clear sea packed with different kinds of beautiful fish, barracuda, shark and more. See our cards #19, 22, 26, 29, 44, 45, y 58. |
Click HERE or above for BIG CATS: Tarjeta - Card # 65: PUMA LEîN DE LA MONTA„A - MOUNTAIN LION: El le—n de monta–a todoavia recorre el pa’s. Aunque avistarlo es muy raro, requiere de estar en el lugar indicado a la hora indicada.....y estar muy callado. Gracias a Yolanda Matamoros de la fundaci—n pro-zool—gicos por la asistencia fotograf’a. Mas en # 20, 34, 51, 67 y 71. Mountain lions still roam freely throught the countryside. As sightings of mountain lions, jaguars, margays are rare it's a matter of being in the right place at the right time.....and being very quiet. Thanks to the Fundacion Pro-Zoologicos for photo assistance. For more big cats see our cards # 20, 34, 51, 67 and 71. |
Click HERE or above for PACIFIC DIVING: Tarjeta - Card # 66: ACCIîN EN EL PACêFICO - PACIFIC ACTION: Bucear en la costa Pac’fica de Costa Rica.....preparate para mucha acci—n. Tiburones, manta rayasy ocasionalmente el tibur—n ballena pueden verse. A bucear profundo! Ver nuestras tarjetas # 3, 15, 31, 37, 41, 52 y 66. Dive the Pacific coastof Costa Rica and get ready for some big action. White tipped sharks, hammerheads, marble rays, manta rays, whale sharks and humpbacks can be seen as well as a plethora of other creatures. Divers Down! See our cards # 3, 15, 31, 37, 41, 52 and 66. |
Click ABOVE for more ADVENTURE: Click HERE for BUTTERFLIES: and TURTLES: Tarjeta - Card # 67: NAVEGANDO LOS RêOS de C R- Riding C.R.'s rivers: Imagine si usted viajara para las tranquilas y seguras aguas r’o abajo bordeano bosques tropicales. SiŽntese y disfrute una de la m‡s finas naturalezas de Costa Rica. Pericos, mot mots, monos, iguanas, cocodrilos asole‡ndose....que manera m‡s placentera de pasar su d’a. Gracias a Jorge Hagnauer B. de Safaris Corobici y Juan Sanchez de la finca de Cocodrilos, Jaco por sus asistencia fotogr‡fica. Mas vida silvestre ver nuestras tarjeta # 1,5,17, 20, 36, 42, 47, 48, 50, 65. Imagine if you will, a quiet and safe ride down the river bordered by tropical forest. Sit back; if your are quiet enough you will get enjoy the vistas you could observe in some of Costa Rica's finest nature. Parrots, mot-mots, monkeys, iguanas, kingfishers, crocodiles basking in the sun.....what a pleasant way to spend part of your day. Thanks to Jorge Hagnauer B. of Safiris Corobici for photographic assistance. For more wild life see our cards #1, 2, 8, 23, 36, 53, 56, 59 & 61. |