Testimonials re: LAURENCE CHERNIAK (added to the internet February 2006, Six testimonials to a page).

These testimonials are primarily for the sake of artists (and other people as well) to know, that accumulating confirmations of your works, will help you enjoy life when times are tough, can become a most worthwhile hobby.


The images of the testimonials are here. The value of the their contents is self explanatory however....

Their captions will be uploaded in days to come

Thank you for your patience.



CAPTAIN ADOLPHO FERRER LUTZOW also arranged for me to go flying in the private small engine planes that the policia rented to spot grow operations from the air.

CAPTAIN ADOLPHO FERRER LUTZOW was a wondeful person who enjoyed making several appointments for me to meet so many people and record any set of circustance I wished.

This is a North View with the 400 Hwy running parallel to the Coldwater property with the cul de suc surrounded on 3 sides with the property.
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