In faith, come all
ye that crave to be merry,
Cast away all thoughts of where thou shouldst ought to be,
For in these rhymes, there dwells, a tune to rejoice by.
One only must let ope' their eyes to see, 'tis as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Then follows the Tens, Jacks, Queens, Kings and Joking Tokers,
Surpassed only by we, who hold the Aces in our hands.
For thus begins our song and games of having fun,
Whiling the night away till dawn's sepulcher rises and comes.
After that time perhaps, all we may have left to reflect upon is?
That all of our coins appear to be vanished or gone astray
Or laughingly, in our pockets come, a home, with us to stay.
Be they coins of gold or coins of flesh, we who know,
love them each no less.
With smiles we bid thee share these moments
Of costumes, masks and hair, like, when combed
Changes our looks from glances to entrancing vistas
In each other eyes. There, we find the snare that brings us together.
O' raise a glass and roll a doob, for time is a passing, precious souls.
With each moment, taken for ourselves, to play a game of wildncrazy cards is
no crime.
Let us reflect on these loving times and move along before those
Who feign a cry, rock't the boat and send the rest of us to fly
From that wishful early dawn's light, that lovers petition each other by,
To meet again, resolved to hold our hands in prayer and swear
That nothing will come between our souls for the rest of time.
Such were the words, that my lady, said to me, dear friends.
Thus, do I depart these epistles, to all you who share the tenderness in adhering
to our lovers,
While ever drawing nearer to closing this life, may all your fears be long
Now, Ladies and Gents,
come sit by the fire and tell us stories of your life,
Of all your glories; when you were having fun a' night,
Playing in a game of chance with this wildncrazy deck of cards
Within which only you and she could win more
Than the highest score; that brought smiles as they did before,
To then hold warm your embraces while caressing each one, the other's
Faces, that changed in the light of the flames a-flickering
Whilst you came to sit or lay by the hearth and played with these wildncrazy
Upon a rug before the warming place known as firedom.
There is wherein the flames danced through our minds and bodies
Whilst repeating dreams of love and future days together.
Dear souls, let us be happy; leave behind those that soak in sorrow.
For sure as dawn comes and brings a new tomorrow
We all return to ashes, as do the coals that glow then fade, within the hearth.
Revel in that you have made it with the one you love and healed away
Each other's woes with cuddles and snuggles before you fall away into deep
sleep and rest. |